About Us
Shri Gujarati Pragati Samaj started the Pragati Mahavidyalaya Degree College in 1973 with a generous donation by Sri M.C.Modi Educational trust. The college is situated in Kandaswamy Lane, near Koti i.e in the heart of twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The college is Co-educational institution and at present is offering M.B.A and M.Com P.G Courses. Pragati Mahavidyalaya Post Graduate College Managed by Shri Gujarati Samaj is one of the Pioneer institutions in the field of Management and Commerce Education. The M.Com Course was started in the academic year 1982-1983 for the first time in the Osmania University area under Private Management. The M.B.A. course was started in the year 1987-1988 affiliated to Osmania University and recognised by AICTE. The College has been maintaining fine quality and keeps itself updated with the latest trends and offers all round opportunities to its students at all times.

Govindas Shah
Shri Gujarati Pragati Samaj

Mahesh S Patel
Vice President
Shri Gujarati Pragathi Samaj

Rahul K Chheda
Hon. Secretary
Shri Gujarati Pragathi Samaj

Joint Secretary SGPS
Correspondent, PMV Degree & PG College
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Mandatory Disclosure by Institutions running MBA Program to be included in their respective information Brochure, displayed on their website and to be submitted to AICTE every year before the admission process.